Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fleas, Blogger and a Date with Miss Clairol

There was a heavy frost on the ground this morning, it looked almost like snow. It's a promise of things to come.

I think Blogger needs a flea dip. It's acting awfully buggy lately. Last night I wrote a long rambling post then when I posted it, it got hung up. I let it try to finish, but it kept going and going. I stopped it, lost the post, then hit "recover post" and only got half of it back. I tried to recreate it, but it wasn't as good and at that point I was tired of looking at it, but I posted the second attempt. That one went through. This morning, both of them were there. I went back and deleted the second one, but in the process I also deleted comments from Robbie and Doolittle. So, sorry guys. It wasn't intentional.

Someone needs to put Blogger in the corner until it decides to act right.

The plans for today include an attack on my hag-looking hair. There's been a box of Miss Clairol sitting on the kitchen table for two weeks, just waiting. Things have just been so crazy around here lately, I never could seem to find the time to get it done. After I make myself beautimous (*cough* yeah right) and take a shower, I'm hitting the carpet and the dog lot with Sevin dust. There is a serious flea problem in the Mahala house at the moment. Sammy the Boston Baked Beagle is suffering from baldhineyitis. I can't have my dogs running around with hairless butts.

The Late Late Show will be in reruns next week, so ya'll just may as well get used to the idea that I'll be whining about it. Craig Ferguson is appearing in Boston this weekend, so if you're in the area, go check him out. Next weekend Himself is scheduled to appear in Uncasville, CT. He really is awesome live, unrestrained by network censors. I still smile whenever I hear the beginning notes of Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water."

Speaking of which, I received coupons in the mail the other day from The Orleans in Las Vegas for $25 a night rooms during the week that he's appearing there in November. Damn, is that redneck or what? I'd be all over it if I weren't so piss poor at the moment. Can you imagine the trouble I could get into if I had disposable income?

I'm off to make my hair presentable again, then it's dishes, laundry and a flea killing spree. I'd like to venture into town for some pictures, if there's enough daylight left when I get done with everything else.

Hope your Saturday rocks.

Later Taters


Anonymous said...

Oh, there's so much I could do if I had Tons O' Money!

Anonymous said...

Heya! Hmm. I see that you watch Craig a lot. And I missed the interview with Michael Caine. Unfortunately i can't find a video anywhere. And i thaught that maybe you'd be kind enough to tell me how it went :D
Thanks huh!