Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Nap Fixes Everything

Supper's on the stove, the rain which had subsided earlier is back, tapping softly on the roof. I had a nap, got some chores done and re-examined my earlier bleak outlook.

There's an empty storefront in town. The rent is high, but it's been empty for a long time, it may be possible to talk it down a bit. I've thought about it before, but I needed my job for the insurance, not just for myself but for the Amazon. When she graduates this spring, she'll no longer be eligible for my insurance anyway.

I'm thinking.....

There are very few movies that I sit down and watch every single time they come on. "The Butcher's Wife" is one of those movies. I'm not crazy about anyone in the cast on an individual basis, but they all work perfectly for their roles in this case. I love movies which play on the "everything happens for a reason" theme with a taste of the mystic. When I saw it on yesterday, the housework came to a screeching halt as I sat down and watched it for at least the fifth time.
Bossman is going to be gone all this week. At least Bubbles won't have anyone to be running to behind my back, no one that matters anyway. That really yanked my chain the other day. She never came to me and asked to be given more customers, other than that one. I'm over it now though, I think.
I've been rearranging some stuff around my little corner of cubicle hell. Did ya'll know there are websites devoted to cubicle decoration? Who knew? There are even sites for office toys. Desktop rocket launchers, semi-automatic rubberband guns, little plastic men with bullseyes that you can slam their little plastic heads into, even office voodoo dolls. Yeah, that last one would get me run right out of Frog Pond Holler.
Anywho, I'm off finish the laundry. Ya'll have a good week.


Loner said...

I LOVE that movie - I bought it on DVD when megamart had it in the 2 for $11 bin! Oh happy day. And I'd like to hear more about the storefront idea.

Anonymous said...

A cool rain and a nice nap do wonders for one's outlook on life. Sorry about the duplicate comment, that has happened a couple of times recently.