Friday, July 21, 2006

A Nap Would Work Wonders

When I came home for lunch, I posted a video of Christina Aguilara's version of "At Last," but I took it down after a while. It kept playing in a loop and if it was getting on my nerves, I knew it had to be getting on yours.

It really is one of my all time favorite songs. At this late stage in my life, I've sometimes thought I'd love to have that song played at my wedding, on the rare occasion that I allow myself to have such thoughts.

You can't dwell on stuff, ya know?

I went by the gas station during lunch today. There couldn't have been but a thimble full left in there. Nothing's more embarrassing than running out of gas and getting stranded on the way home from work when you can almost see your house from the office parking lot. My good buddies Jethro and Gomer had a sign hanging out on the "regular" tank, stating that they were out, so I ended up paying $3.72 a gallon for the expensive crap. Needless to say, there won't be much running around this weekend. When I went inside to pay, I told Jethro about the window and how it worked fine before he worked on the door and suggested that maybe he forgot to hook it back up. He then kindly informed me that he hadn't forgotten, but perhaps it had gotten loose and he'd be glad to fix it (translation: I'm paying for him to fix it.) I know he's full of bullpockey and I've officially decided that I'm not crazy about Jethro or his buddy Gomer.

At least it's Friday. Hallifreakinloo-ya.


Me said...

DO NOT PAY FOR THAT WINDOW! You know darn well it hadn't worked since he fixed the door... and so does he. Insist he fix it.

As for the gas... $3.72????

I think it's time to say goodbye to Jethro and Gomer.

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

$3.72!!!!!!!!!! Did they have to pull the wagon trail with mules to get it up your mountain to the gas tanks?

Good lord woman, head to flatter land. (There's a house for sale by me... please come! Oh the fun we would have. We have men with teeth down here!)

Anonymous said...

Christina always sounds to me like she's searching for the right note. She gives me gas. Now Etta, she is the Queen o' the Blues. I'm going to post an Etta song next Friday, just for you.

kenju said...

It never fails; if a repair service fixes something - something else will happen in short order and it is NEVER their fault!

Oh, Idgie - men with teeth? That's always a plus in my book!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen for the weekend - and hallelujah that Monday night approaches. It's been too long without some fresh Craig.

Anonymous said...

Oh why do mechanics break something while fixing something and then deny it like a six year old boy? Way back in 1990 I took my six month old Honda into the dealer to have the electric shoulder belt fixed. Remember the shoulder belts that ran back and forth automatically in a rail along the top of the car door? If you weren’t careful and opened the door at the wrong time they would try to decapitate you . . . one of those. It had started spitting pieces of rubber at me every time it ran back and forth, but I digress. They fixed that, I picked the car up, drove two blocks up the street and stopped to put gas in the car. When I unlocked the door to get out the door relocked itself before I could open the door. There I sat for three minutes trying to unlock the door and open it before the power locks would relock the door. I drove back to the service department, pulled in rolled the window down and waited. The service guy shouted at me to get out and come over to the counter so he could “write me up” (he didn’t recognize me from 10 minutes earlier when I picked the car up.) I told him I couldn’t, the car wouldn’t let me out. After a minute his head quit spinning and he came over and I explained to him what was happening, he didn’t believe me and told me that it was impossible. I said, well you try opening this door. He couldn’t. After a few minutes they located the skinny little pimple faced teenager who had worked on the car that morning and he came over and denied what was happening, he said “well it must have been like that when you brought it in here!” I asked him how he had gotten out of the car when he pulled it into his work space. He conceded that something must have changed, but it couldn’t be his fault. Denial is more then a river in the Egypt to car mechanics. I climbed over the gear shift, emergency brake and crawled out of the passenger side. They finally took the door apart and decided that something must be bent (well Duh!) They ordered a part (of course) and said I could bring it back in a couple of days. So for the next three days I had to crawl in and out of my new top of the line first really nice new car I had ever owned, through the passenger side door up and over the gear shift. Now we know where that skinny little kid moved to when he left Holler Honda!


Anonymous said...

Mechanics....they're just there to rip ya off LOL I had the jeep in the shop a few months ago 319.00 that's with an extended warranty...then I looked under the hood a few weeks back and there was this lil electrical thing unplugged! I think that was done on purpose LOL I plugged it up, don't know what it's for or why it's there but I'll be damned if I pay them 200.00 to plug the SOB up LOL Hope all is well with ya, I've been out drinkin in the front yard with the neighbors LOL


poopie said...

Out of regular? Ha! That's the newest ruse to get our hard earned money, masterminded by those evil asshats in control of the government.Wait..I've got an idea. If you could invent a stem cell powered car, we could tell 'em all to kiss our butts.

Carry on.

Karen Townsend said...

$3.72 a gallon? Geez.

Bert said...

So we won't be hearing At Last played to you and Gomer...or Jethro..then....

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.