Sunday, July 09, 2006

Back to the Abnormal Normalcy

I've spent a week going on and on about my trip, I should really get ya'll caught up on the goings on around here.

The Amazon is working at one of the fancy-shmancy restaurants in town and making decent money. It's such a relief that she was able to find something. There aren't a lot of jobs here in Frog Pond Holler. Her computer is still down and we'd previously discussed how convienient it would be if she had a laptop (especially when moving in and out of the dorm) so I encouraged her to apply for credit with Dell and get one. She has to start somewhere.

Since she's been working, she's been helping keep the dishes washed, without being asked and doing other things around the house. I guess she's growing up.

Work has been, well, pure hell. Bossman has taken to stomping around pitching hissy fits on all the other departments, making it nearly impossible for the rest of us to get anything done. Nothing is getting built on time, nothing is shipping when it's supposed to and no one seems to have a clue what the hell is going on. No one except, of course, us pee ons, the ones no one listens to anyway.

Friday, Bossman came into my cubicle and plopped down in the chair as I was hanging up the phone after getting a thorough ass reaming by another angry customer.

"That's right, I'm here to make your life miserable, " he said, in his cocky little smart assed manner.

"Go for it. The keys are in the van. It's not a problem," I answered. Now, I'm not a person who makes a habit of threatening to walk out whenever things don't go my way. I need my job too bad and I figure they'd just tell me to carry my ass if I get too smug. But I'd had enough that day.

"Oh now, now, you wouldn't leave me like that would you?" he said, with a sudden change of heart.

"Let's just put it this way, " I said, lowering my voice, "if you don't calm your little ass down, the first thing that's going to happen is, every other department in this office is going to buck up and refuse to do a damned thing for you and the second thing will be, you're going to have another heart attack and I'm going to be forced to use that spiffy new AED."

I think I hit a nerve. Let's hope so.

As for things here around the house, the dogs, cats, bird, fish and hamster are all spoiled, fat and sassy as usual. There's a never ending supply of assorted critter poo to be disposed of, bags of pet food being carted in and out and the occasional hair, feathers and fur (and a bit of drool) to deal with. In other words.. normal.

I stood out on the porch last night at dusk, which I do nightly, in an effort to find some peace and quiet. There was a family moving into the rental across the road for a few days. They were arguing loudly and in some foreign tongue. I have no clue what language they were speaking. On the other end of the holler, the thirty dolla ho was talking on her cordless phone, hollerin' at the top of her lungs. This sets Ozzy off barking, which in turn gets the other two dogs going and before you know it, the whole town sounds like it does when someone walks into the animal shelter, causing a ruckus. So much for the peace and quiet around here.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, when I came home everything was exactly like I left it and in all it's chaos, stress and noise, I found comfort. For now, this is home, as much as I hate to admit it.


Anonymous said...

Now you know what some of us older folks know...that vacations are what God gives us so we can appreciate the comforts of home and the life we live everyday. I'm leaving on vacation in the just the opposite of Vegas...Branson Missouri. I do love it there...for a few days...but I'm already looking forward to coming home.

Doolittle Ranch said...

Have to ask, what did your boss say after that comment?

Think you handled that very well and sounds like tension is a mounting...

Bert said...

I'm never getting on the wrong side of you.

poopie said...

I feel a "come to Poopie" chat comin' on with my boss. Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.