Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Vegas Baby!!!

I hope all ya'll forgive me for the next few days. There is little on my mind other than my upcoming trip to Las Vegas (leaving this Friday) so any blogging that's done, will revolve around that. I appologize in advance for when I get back because, I'm sure it'll take me a week to finish yacking about the trip endlessly.

But then, I know ya'll love me and stuff . *snort*

I haven't gotten things done that I need to get done before Friday, because pesky shit like work, grocery shopping and this mother friggin sinus/allergy CRAP has been getting in the way. I went straight from work to get my nails done last night, so at least I've got the pornstarrific, stripperfab, "I'm-not-trailer-trash" nails out of the way. And man, are they sore! I got a new set, so I had to grin and bear it as Scott, the man of an undetermined region of Asian decent, RIPPED the old ones off with his butter-knife lookin' implement of torture. Good Gawd. He came dangerously close to gettin' ho-slapped. Remind me never to go to the nail salon during dinner time again. I think he was jonesin' for a Big Mac.

The box o' hair color that I bought two weeks ago is still sitting on the kitchen table. I've got a bad case of hag hair goin' on, I really need to do that tonight.

I don't know where my suitcase is. It's somewhere in this house. Somewhere.

I never ordered the top I wanted to because I had to pay for the freakin' air conditioner. I did pick up a nice, cleavage enhancing, beaded top last week when me and the Amazon were out and about. I think I can make do with what I have. I really wanted some shoes that don't have puppy chew marks somewhere on them, but hopefully no one will be noticing my feet. Especially if I'm walkin' around with my bodacious tattas partially exposed, that's the plan anyway.

Ma isn't happy about the trip. She thinks it's a bad idea for me to be going off to Sin City all alone. I'll have to admit, it makes me a bit nervous, but I'm a big ol' girl, I'm sure it'll be fine. Granted, I haven't lived here in this podunk little town all my life and I much prefer the city over life here in bible belt central, but I've been here for 13 years. I just hope I don't get out there, get nervous and end up sitting in the hotel for the duration. I don't think that will happen, but I do admit that it's been gnawing away in the back of my mind. It doesn't help when Ma makes statements like, "Just go ahead and sign everything over to me before you go, so when you get your throat cut I won't have to worry about getting a lawyer."

She's a breath of sunshine, isn't she?

So anyway, I have to get back to the cubicle asylum.

See ya soon :)


Uccellina said...

Vegas is fun, and really not scary at all. But then, I used to live in Brooklyn.

Anonymous said...

Relax, walk the streets until your shoes melt into the pavement. You'll be fine. As you say, you are able to take care of yourself.

It sounds like mom needs a new travel agent if she fears for her life on vacation. You are more likely to get shot by the crack ho's around home then to be hurt in Vegas. Go and enjoy! (If mom knew some of the places I've been, she'd really freak out.)


SierraBella said...

Have a great trip, you'll be fine!

I like your "Frog Pond Holler" idea for the town name.
I just watched "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" again and should have paid more attention to some of the places they traveled through (instead of lusting after George Clooney.)
"Soggy Bottom?" (Sounds too much like a physical ailment.)

Anonymous said...

There is little on my mind other than my upcoming trip to Las Vegas

And that's as it should be. :)

She thinks it's a bad idea for me to be going off to Sin City all alone.

Parents can be such party-poopers! *g* I've never been to Vegas myself, but I'm sure you'll be fine. It wouldn't do for the tourists to get mugged. :)

Loner said...

I would be seriously worried about you if that wasn't all you could think about this week. It is SO exciting - and so ripe with potential for fun and adventure. You are going to have a great time - oh yea, definitely do your roots first!

kenju said...

Everytime I see those commercials saying "Everything that happend in Vegas, stays in Vegas", I think of you....LOL

AC said...

You.Lucky.Dog. Airplanes, hotels, big fluffy towels, great food, away-ness. I am pea green with envy.

However, I just wish I were going too. I don't gamble, but I'll bet your mom is wrong. You'll have fun and I'm looking forward to hearing about it.

My mother is sucking on the same brand of breath mints. She freaks when I leave the county.

Mahala said...

*snort* "same brand of breath mints"

Thanks ya'll for the encouragement, I can't wait to get the hell out of Dodge. And Kenju... rest assured that what happens to me in Vegas, won't stay there lol.

Miz said...

Good lord! I have a machine that soaks acrylic off in 30 min. My shop charge $5.00 to remove a set. Tell him to get with the program and stop destroying your nails!

Have a good time!

Mahala said...

miz: I know I was shocked. If I'd known, I would have taken the acrylics off myself.