So much going on right now and so many things I need to be doing, yet here I sit, sipping tea in front of the air conditioner.
I found out yesterday that a church group will be here early Monday morning to do a bunch of repairs to the trailer, free. I managed to keep from blubbering until I started back to work. It's amazing when prayers are answered. We've had a hole in our living room floor, large enough for a redneck couch potato to fall through, for some years. It's right in front of the fireplace, making things interesting when the power is out and we have to cook over flames. They're going to rip the carpet out on that end of the living room and fix the floor, then put down some tile or laminate.
Remember when I bragged that The Amazon and I had fixed the leaky toilet? Well, I don't think I bothered to mention that it was a week long process and that in the meantime, half the floor rotted away. We have a rocking chair toilet now. It's a little scary. A couple of weeks ago I stumbled and put my foot through the floor, all the way to the space beneath the trailer. That's going to be fixed too.
The kitchen faucet has leaked for about 8 years, when it rains the porch roof leaks right in front of the screen door.. bucket loads.. and the porch itself hasn't been painted since it was built about 13 years ago. There's a serious water leak under the house and when The Amazon was in middle school, she rocked back too hard in the recliner and busted a window.
All will be taken care of.
Ya'll know I'm not a religious person, but I am a spiritual one. I am thankful beyond words that all these worries will be wiped away in a few days.
You have no idea...
Later Taters!!
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You have suffered long and endured much, and now the KARMA gods are rewarding you. Simple as that :) Enjoy!
There ARE good people out there dolphie, YOU included!
There ARE good people out there dolphie, YOU included!
There ARE good people out there dolphie, YOU included!
There ARE good people out there dolphie, YOU included!
AMEN. That is wonderful, Mahala. It seems your karma is taking a good turn lately and I am happy for you!
How's it going with Mom?
so happy for you!!!
Wonderful news! And I'd be bawling my eyes out too. Somehow when people are extra nice it's like someone turned on the faucets. Kind of appropriate seeing as lots of your problems seem to be water related. I'm SO happy for you!
Our Maker has a way of taking care of those who take care of others. Your turn to be blessed. And special prayers go out to those who are helping you out.
So, so happy for you! You are deserving of all good things!
Well it's about time you get back for all you have given.
Glad your needs finally made it to the top of the list. You know, Mahala, there are so many people with needs and not so many people who have the time and resources to help but small town places seem to always take care of their own. In this day and time, I am thankful to live in a rural village where I can help and be helped if the need arises. God bless the group who is coming to help you and may you enjoy the fruits of their labor.
That is AWESOME.
So happy for you! :) !
So happy for you. Blessings are all around us, we just have to take note and be thankful.
Mahala - what happened with the church group? How is your new and improved abode? Inquiring minds and all that....
Yep .. me too - hope the universe is still blessing you!
MAHALA!!!! ?? !!! You okay??
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