Monday, November 11, 2019

Of Fences, Docs and Pups

Hey ya'll!

I say that optimistically, I have no idea if anyone even reads blogs anymore, but what the hey. I'm going to write it anyway.

Life in Frog Pond Holler has been pretty awesome, for the most part. The biggest news? 

I finally got that privacy fence I've wanted forever. 

It's made a huge difference. I can walk around my yard in my fuzzy pj pants without having to stop and say "hey" to every trail worn hiker going by. I don't miss giving tourist directions every 5 minutes while I'm trying to commune with nature either.

And? These little hellions can run loose and pee on every rock, blade of grass and stick.

Another big development is The Amazon's new job. About two months ago she was hired as HeeHaw county's newest animal control officer. It was hard at first, going from sitting in a call center all night to schlepping 50 pound bags of dog food and crawling around barns catching litters of kittens, but she's adjusting.

She absolutely loves it.

About two weeks after she started, HeeHaw county had it's largest animal hoarding case in recent history. Their tiny shelter took in 52 dogs, in varying states of distress. An emergency shelter was established at the livestock barn at the county fairgrounds and the staff had to take turns spending the night there for over two weeks. All but 7 of the dogs were either adopted or went to rescue groups.

The Amazon got broken in to her new position pretty fast.

So far, we've fostered a kitten over night until the rest of his litter could be caught and T.A. and I had some heated arguments over a blue eyed shepherd mix that was part of the hoarding case.

I'm still in therapy. I'm leaps and bounds better than I was a year ago, but I still have a long way to go. I love my noggin doc. She once told me that if I ever mentioned her on my blog, she wanted to be  known as Christie Brinkley's younger, sexier sister, so Doc Brinkley it is.

I still go every week to a tiny office nestled in the back room of a law practice and spill my guts. I'm still a little shaken for a day or so afterwards, but I can go to the grocery store without having a crying fit at the cash register now and I'm enjoying the freedom of hopping in the truck and driving up to the overlook or along the river and taking pictures again.

Baby steps.

I'm still trying to conjure the nerve to get my hair done.

Anywho, ya'll have a good one. I'll be down here in the holler, holding down the fort.

Later Taters!